The Terrific Taj Whitehead

(Photo courtesy of Taj Whitehead)

As many different high schoolers spend their four years trying to figure out their interests and passions, there are some who have been set on their goals for years. 

One is junior Taj Whitehead, a superstar water polo player who has displayed his talents for many years. 

“I started playing water polo when I was 10 years old,” Whitehead said. 

“I started taking the sport seriously when I was 13 years old because I really wanted to make the national team.” 

Whitehead ultimately met his goals as he got selected for the national team in 2021. 

“Playing with the national team was a lot of hard work, but it was fun to play internationally and have some stronger competition,” Whitehead said. 

“My favorite experience from the national team experience was traveling to Hungary and roaming Budapest. It was fun playing against strong opponents. I always like playing the best of the best. I learned that there is always someone better than you at something”. 

With Whitehead, his hard work and mindset influences the ones around him. 

“Taj has taught me a lot about hard work and discipline throughout the six years playing with him,” junior teammate Alex Cacos said. 

“We both push each other to become better in the pool. We become very competitive with each other during practice and work out together in the weight room and are always trying to see who can lift more.”  

Along with being a teammate that pushes others, he’s been one to be respected by his teammates while leading by example and being a great teammate. 

“He’s a really talented player who is always looking to make an impact in our plays,” senior Kieran Kerns said. 

“He always keeps it light and he has a great sense of humor. He really knows how to make people laugh. My favorite memory with Taj was when he scored six goals in our game against Santa Margarita.”