Temperature Makes a Difference
Students suffer from lack of AC in classrooms

(Graphic by Quinn Kearns)
Along with the increasing temperatures in California, our students’ tolerance to this harsh weather is decreasing.
Returning to school after a long summer under intense UV rays is hard, especially when the transition allows for no solution to more extreme heat in the learning environment.
Walking to my last period of the day covered in so much sweat that I look as though I just ran a mile or drenched myself with a bucket of water was definitely not one of my prouder moments.
While sitting uncomfortably in my puddle of sweat I began pondering a solution to my dehydration and dangerously high body temperatures.
The only rational thing that came to mind was air conditioning. Many will argue that the few wimpy fans per classroom do the job of cooling down students and that getting air conditioning units would be too expensive.
To this I respond that it is nearly impossible to focus, let alone learn in a work environment in which my pit stains are larger than the Pacific Ocean.
Having a comfortable temperature in our classrooms helps productivity and also helps control air quality in classrooms.
To maintain a healthy and comfortable working environment for everyone, teachers are advised to keep their classrooms between 68 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
This is a hard standard to meet when most teachers pay out of pocket to supply a couple fans blowing around warm air in their classrooms and classroom temperatures can reach the high 80s.
Many students who transfer to our school claim that the only downside of PV High is the painful transition to non-air conditioned classrooms.
Though some may argue that this is not entirely true, the reality is that only a select number of teachers have air conditioning. Why is it fair that some students and staff members get to relax and learn in well air conditioned rooms while others are slowly dying of heat exhaustion?
The short answer is that students shouldn’t be sacrificing yet another facet of their health when they already neglect their hydration, sleep, and mental health.
In retrospect, we shouldn’t be neglected when it comes to a healthy learning environment.
This needs to be a priority for the school district because the heat waves will keep coming.
This is Quinn's fourth year on The Point. In her free time, she enjoys baking and being in the water. In the future, she hopes to pursue a career in nursing....