What’s The Flush?

(Photo courtesy of Jama Maxfield)
There are a variety of news sources for students at PVHS such as The Point, Live from 205 or the Daily Bulletin, but the most mysterious and accessible news source is The Flush.
Found in bathrooms across campus, The Flush is a printed list posted in each stall that tells students about school events happening throughout the week.
Former student Viv Volpicelli came up with the idea when she was a sophomore in ASB around 2010. The Flush has been posted frequently in the bathroom stalls ever since.
To choose which school events are listed each week, the ASB communications group looks at the Sea King Sunday update and talks with other student groups on campus about their events. These events then get DM’d to the PVASB Instagram account to be compiled and printed.
Students across campus have found The Flush to be an extremely helpful resource to notify them about school events.
“Every single time I go to the restroom I look forward to looking up from my urinal and looking at this week’s events,” The Flush’s self-proclaimed biggest fan Luka Ardón said.