Human Rights Awareness
More stories from Ryan Olarte
Human rights have been violated by many groups of people throughout history. GSA, PVOW, and CARE have come together to plan human rights awareness week. Social equality and awareness is essential for a safe school campus. Though the community at PVHS is generally tolerant, some students believe that PVHS can use more awareness of different groups of people.
“Human Rights Awareness can inspire many students to welcome all people into their community,” said Sophomore Ran’ya Crowder.
The goal of Human Rights Week is to raise awareness of discrimination and the needs of groups of people in the community. Human rights week starts on Monday, February 25th with a feminine hygiene product drive.
On Tuesday, students will be shown videos expressing the need of support and tolerance of all people. CARE put together several videos showing students who have different beliefs, ideals, and identification. One Wednesday, orange ribbons will be displayed around campus, representing awareness and support of racial tolerance and cultural diversity.
On Thursday, GSA will give out rainbow stickers to show support, acceptance and awareness of the LGBTQ+ community, along with an ally pledge.
Senior Taylor Bockrath said, “The goal of GSA is to spread awareness of LGBTQ+ issues, as well as promote the love, acceptance, and respect of all people.”
Though human rights movements occur many time across the country, bringing awareness to PVHS can make our community more safe and welcoming. Sophomore Andrea Lin said, “Some people may feel [human rights awareness] is unnecessary, it’s a good way for individuals to express support to [minority groups].”
Though discrimination and communal disadvantage has been reduced at PVHS, the sole act of showing support and awareness to all groups allows for a safe school that welcomes all groups of people.