Every nice guys worst nightmare. For those of you who don’t know what the friendzone is or somehow have never found yourself in it, it’s pretty much when a girl, or a guy in some cases, values your friendship too much to risk going out with you. I’m practically an expert on the topic so trust me I know what I’m talking about.
Once in the friendzone it’s very hard to get out but there are a few tips and tricks that you can do to help you get out. First, once you’re there you have to recognize that what you’re currently doing to win that special someone isn’t working. They have to want you to pay attention to them, and giving that someone every second of the day isn’t the way to go about winning his or her heart. When pining for your attention, they must not be accustomed to always getting it. They need to want to be your bestfriend on Snapchat and you have to seem like you couldn’t care less if they were. Next, you have to let your friend know that you like them. No fluff. The only thing they need to get is that you wouldn’t mind going out with them. They don’t need to know that you can’t get him or her off your mind or how great that you think he or she is. Being jaded is the name of the game. Third is the hardest part by far. You have to put some distance in between you and that special person. You have to look at it like this: you’re a drug addict trying to get off drugs. It’s sucks at first while you’re going through withdrawal but after a little bit you’re happy you stopped. I know what you’re thinking, “Ryan are you delusional. No I’m never gonna do that in a million years. If I’m not talking to that person they’re gonna forget that I even exist.” You’re one hundred percent wrong, unless if you’re really boring, if you’re boring then you were screwed from the beginning. You ignoring your friend will stir a feeling that something is missing in the back of their head. It’s like if you’re favorite teacher has a poster up on the wall but then one day takes it down. You can’t put your finger on it but you know something’s gone and you realize how important it really was. The final step is to get busy. Go out and have fun with friends on the weekends instead of keeping them free for the slight chance that your crush invites you to do something. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART IS PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE. When you have a life and aren’t in constant contact with your friendzone friend they start to wonder what you’re doing. “Why isn’t he talking to me?” The second you minimize how big of a part of your life this person is, then your non-lover starts getting jealous of everyone else and wants to get back on your mind.
Something else you can do after you’ve done everything else is change the way people look at you. Get hot. I’m sorry but most people who find themselves in the friendzone aren’t the best looking. One thing that will help your crush like you is if they think everyone else thinks you’re a dime among dimes.
Everything I’ve said so far doesn’t one hundred percent guarantee that you’ll get out of the friendzone. The only foolproof way to stay out of the friendzone is to never get in it. For some it’s easier than others. High school player Chris Kelliny said, “I avoid the friendzone by being mean to girls. I make them think that I wouldn’t be a good friend and if they want someone to talk to I tell them to come talk to you (Ryan).”
Now before you shut that special someone out as a last desperate chance to woo him or her ask yourself something. Is it worth the risk of never talking to this person again if you fail? Now for some of you the answer is easy: “Yeah I’ve got enough friends I don’t need anymore” but for some of you, you may have gotten to know each other too well and can’t imagine life without that person, even if they aren’t with you the way you intended them to be.