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The Point

The Point

(Photo Courtesy of Cynthia Mindicino)

PV Drama Puts on a Magical “Matilda” Production

Amber Chen, Opinion Editor April 7, 2022

Based on the original award-winning novel by Roald Dahl, “Matilda the Musical” is coming to life on stage at PVHS this spring. Opening on Apr. 8, the show will run for six days, with additional performances...

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10th Annual Remember the Tritons Walk

Aidan Sun, Editor-in-Chief March 7, 2022

On Feb. 18, members of the community came together during the 10th annual Remember the Tritons Walk during sixth period. The Remember the Tritons Walk is held in honor of former student Brian Booth who...

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(Photo courtesy of Jackie Lane)

PVHS Junior Leaps Into Greatness

Alycen Kim, Editor-in-Chief March 7, 2022

In October of last year, junior Jackie Lane was handed the opportunity of a lifetime: to compete in one of ballet’s most distinguished international competitions. Lane was one of 73 ballerinas chosen...

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From left to right: Ryan Fuerte (10), Calvin Barnum (12), Will Sasaki (12), Austin Roach (10) (Photo by Amber Chen)

Behind the Scenes of the Matilda Musical Pit

Eva Mayrose, Reporter March 7, 2022

Every year, the incredibly talented PVHS drama department puts together a fall and spring show. Passionate actors, hard-working stage crew, set designers and technicians all spend weeks preparing and practicing...

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A Cal-amity in Admissions

UC Berkeley freezes enrollment for prospective applicants
Vikesh Dheeriya, News Editor March 7, 2022

On Feb. 14, University of California, Berkeley announced a recent court decision that would reduce the enrollment of the incoming freshmen class by one-third.  The resident group, Save Berkeley Neighborhoods...

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(Graphic by Ella Sherry)

From Paper to Screens, the SAT is Changing

Ella Sherry, Online Editor March 7, 2022

The SAT— a three-hour long college admissions test that focuses on concepts in math, reading, writing and language —is undergoing major changes that will be put into effect in 2024 for U.S. students.  “The...

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PVHS Golfer Commits to the University of Southern California

Alycen Kim, Editor-in-Chief February 10, 2022

Whether it’s on the golf course or in the classroom, junior Frances Kim excels, juggling her rigorous classes and school work all while maintaining her status of the 12th nationally ranked golf player...

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(Graphic by Chloe Choi)

Benefits of Block Schedule

Kelly Donahue, Social Media Editor February 10, 2022

One of the great aspects of Palos Verdes High School that convinces students to enroll every year is its block schedule. Following a block schedule provides students with countless benefits, such as more...

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New “Live From 205” advisor Jeffrey Beaucar guides students with his extensive knowledge. (Photo by Andrew Carpenter)

Beaucar Can Take “205” Far

New Teacher Takes the Helm of Beloved Video Production Program
Isabella Firmani, Reporter February 10, 2022

Just a few weeks into the 2021-22 school year, “Live from 205”’s former teacher Rene Vela took a job offer at Bellflower High School as an associate principal to pursue a career he had been considering...

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Teachers Talk

Long-Time Teachers Reflect on Why They Love PVHS
Kelly Donahue, Social Media Editor February 10, 2022

The teachers and staff members here are a huge part of what makes the school so special. While there are so many amazing new teachers on campus this year, some have been important members of the Sea King...

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Different Variant, Different Schools, Different Responses

Vikesh Dheeriya, News Editor February 10, 2022

The combination of holiday traveling, free time to hang out after finals and a highly contagious variant all caused COVID-19 cases to surge in the Los Angeles County area causing different schools to respond...

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Photo by Aidan Sun

PVHS Track Star Takes it to Next Level

Senior Anna Terrell Commits to UW
Kelly Donahue, Social Media Editor December 17, 2021

Senior Anna Terrell announced the exciting news that she had committed to the University of Washington for track and field this past October.  This amazing accomplishment was the result of Terrell’s...

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