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The Point

The Point

The Point

Students Should Be Given the Day off for APs

Chloe Slome, Writer May 2, 2019

After preparing the whole school year for a test, AP students are now faced with another challenge during the day of their AP exam.   A policy put in place this year no longer allows students to be...

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Are AP Tests Worth Taking?

Ethan King and Noah Whang, Writer and Sports Editor May 2, 2019

PRO By Ethan King, Reporter Are AP Tests worth it? Stress, caffeine, no sleep.  What does this sound like? AP test prep.  But unlike most high school tests,  AP exams cost quite a bit of...

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A Fan’s Take On Endgame

Seren Cho, Copy Editor May 1, 2019

Just last week, the highly anticipated Avengers: Endgame, directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, the last (that we know of) Avengers movie begins right after Infinity War in the MCU timeline. The original...

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A Modest Proposal for Spring Break

April 7, 2019

Dear Whoever Decides When the Breaks Are, Spring Break could not be better. It’s the break we all look forward to. It comes at the perfect time -- a few weeks too late, but also, somehow, a few weeks...

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An Incurable Disease

Gabriella Rudy, Writer April 7, 2019

It’s contagious, but seniors aren’t looking for the cure. An annual epidemic has recurred once more on PV High’s campus and is increasingly infecting senior Sea Kings. With common symptoms including...

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Lies and Fake Crimes Lead to More Problems

Ivan Barron, Writer April 7, 2019

The current state of political division that America is experiencing marks one of the more controversial periods of time within our country’s recent history. Among the “hot topics” of these political...

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A Letter from the Editors: A Need for Higher Education Reformation

Phoebe Lai and Jamie Doo, Editors-In-Chief April 7, 2019

In light of the recent college scandal involving wealthy parents paying large sums for their children’s admission into “elite” schools, educators, parents, and high schoolers are left with wavering...

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The Need to Break Taboo on Periods

Chloe Lendi, Writer April 7, 2019

In spite of all social advancements that have contributed to the better treatment of women today, there still remains a stigma that goes unnoticed because it has been engraved into our society: periods....

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The Fictitious Phone Policy Phobia

Nikolas Tempereau, Opinion Editor April 7, 2019

No more phones in PVPUSD schools. Recently, the PVPUSD school board has come to the conclusion that phones are negatively affecting students at school, so a new policy that phones are not allowed to be...

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Playstation Reigns as the Superior Console

John Kim, Writer April 7, 2019

Console users have long debated which company makes the best console. A few years ago, people’s opinions were split between Xbox and Playstation (PS); however, with the introduction of Nintendo’s Switch,...

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Ethan King, Writer February 21, 2019

People should not have been so quick to judge the Covington Catholic High School boys without hearing the full story.   On January 18, a video surfaced showing students from Covington Catholic...

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The War on Cable

Nikolas Tempereau, Opinion Editor February 21, 2019

Cable is dying. By cable, I mean the large television providers; most notably DirecTV, Cox, Dish are losing subscribers in the thousands. This is directly due to new competition as new streaming services...

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